Somatic Spirituality

Sylvia Muller Doyle, MPA, RYT

What is Somatic Spirituality?

Spirituality is our unique journey of finding connection, discovering our authentic self, and becoming fully who we are to find a sense of aliveness and live a more joyful life. The journey is individual and may involve a strong practice with a faith tradition, no faith tradition, or anything in between.

We all have within us a spot of grace that issues peace; over time we lose connection to our spot of grace and uncovering it and living from there is the only thing worth teaching and the goal of all therapy says Mark Nepo. Spiritual direction is the process of uncovering and connecting to your spot of grace to heal emotional wounds and discover happiness.

Spiritual direction offers a safe space where you are truly seen and heard. You can explore the meaning and purpose of your life, investigate what matters most to you, and explore the root causes of unhappiness and disconnection. When desired, also cultivate a deep connection to a divine presence as you name it, God, Spirit, Love……

Spiritual direction provides the space for the building and strengthening of your relationship with your authentic self as well as uncovering the wisdom and answers you hold within. You can reveal meaning, find peace, and live with more balance and well-being.

Somatic Spiritual Direction utilizes the wisdom of the body. According to acclaimed scholar and teacher Reginald Ray, the body has an awareness that our conscious mind cannot achieve. Our mind judges, justifies, and uses preconceived notions. Our body receives and registers experiences before we can process them. Until the emotional blockages from trauma of any kind are known directly within our somatic awareness, psychological transformation is more difficult. By listening to our bodies, we can begin the process of healing.

According to the IFS therapy model, we have inside of us something alive and powerful that is whole and has energy for healing. IFS refers to it as Self, but this resource is also known by other names – God, Love, Divinity, Allah, and many more.

Somatic Spirituality helps to uncover your spot of grace, the place of authenticity and healing energy, using the mind, the breath, and the body. Depending on the client’s desires, we may use breath work, mindfulness and meditation, visualization, gentle body movement, writing, or art in addition to talking.